Eliminating Cigarette Odor On Carpet
Do you or your family have active smokers? Certainly, the problem of cigarette odor often disturbs the atmosphere of your home carpet cleaning. Yes, the smell of cigarettes is a pretty strong odor and easily adheres to all aspects of the house. The smell of cigarettes is not easy to disappear even though the cigarette smoke is not visible. Do not let the smell of cigarettes stick too long. Because the longer the cigarette is left attached to the carpet, then the smell will be difficult to remove. To get rid of odors that stick to the carpet and are difficult to remove, you can ask for help from carpet cleaning cammeray. They can remove all kinds of odors and stains on your home carpet.

The best solution is to get rid of the smell of cigarettes on the carpet with a special liquid deodorizing cigarette and baking soda. You can try this method at home. For more details on how to apply these 2 materials to clean carpets, see the following description.
Steps – steps:
1. Clean carpet from dust and dirt.
Sprinkle allergen-reducing deodorizing powder, which is a kind of cigarette odor removal powder. Leave the powder on the carpet surface overnight and use a vacuum cleaner to clean it tomorrow.
2. Sprinkle baking soda on the carpet.
Let stand for a few moments, then use a vacuum cleaner to suck the dust. Why is baking soda selected? In fact, Baking soda is a deodorizing, especially a very strong and pungent odor. This baking soda can not only be used to eliminate the smell of cigarettes, but baking soda can also be relied on to eliminate a variety of odors, so it is recommended to be a cleaning agent for other household appliances.
3. Wash the carpet thoroughly with a special soap.
Even washing it can’t be careless. So that the smell of cigarettes and stains on the carpet can disappear more effectively, make a solution consisting of a mixture of warm water, vinegar, shampoo or carpet cleaning soap. Unlike baking soda which functions to eliminate odors, vinegar serves more as a neutralizing odor, especially strong odors. No wonder, after cleaning with vinegar, the carpet will smell like vinegar for some time. However, this odor will not last long and soon, the carpet will smell normal again.
4. Dry the carpet in the dry sun.
Only after the carpet dries, spray deodorizer to remove the remnants of stubborn cigarette odors. This spray is also proven to be effective in absorbing and removing odors.
Carpet Care Specialists Mosman
50 Yeo St, Neutral Bay, NSW, 2089
(02) 8311 3724