Facts About Vitamins And Supplements For Dogs
Similar to human vitamins, vitamins for dogs can also be given to support the health of the pet’s body. The question is, do dogs need vitamins? What content is suitable for dogs? Before deciding to buy Blue Diamond Family Mini Goldendoodles and provide vitamins for dogs, you should first read the following explanation.

Various Vitamins for Dogs
Vitamins are organic compounds needed to support life. Most of its ingredients are found naturally in food. The following are several vitamins needed for the human and animal bodies:
1. Vitamin A
Vitamin A is responsible for vision. This fat-soluble vitamin is also responsible for growth, fetal development, immune function, and cell function.
2. Vitamin B
B vitamins are a group of vitamins that play an important role in dog health. Here are some of the benefits:
• The content of thiamine can help regulate energy, carbohydrate metabolism, and activate ion channels in nervous tissue.
• The content of riboflavin, B12, and niacin can help facilitate the function of enzymes.
• The content of vitamin B6 is responsible for the formation of glucose, red blood cells and nervous system function, hormone regulation, immune response, niacin synthesis, and gene activation.
• The content of pantothenic acid can help energy metabolism.
• Folic acid content plays a role in amino acid and nucleotide metabolism and mitochondrial protein synthesis.
3. Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an important antioxidant. Not only for humans, but dogs also need this vitamin. This vitamin can ward off free radicals that have the potential to harm the body. Not only that, vitamin C is effective in reducing inflammation and cognitive aging. In fact, without additional multivitamin C supplements, dogs can synthesize vitamin C in their livers.
4. Vitamin D
Vitamin D allows the dog’s body to balance minerals, such as phosphorus and calcium, to support healthy bone growth. Without adequate vitamin D, dogs will not be able to develop properly and maintain healthy muscles and bones.
5. Vitamin E
Vitamin E is one way to maintain a healthy dog’s body from oxidative damage. This vitamin is fat-soluble, so it is very good for supporting cell function and fat metabolism. Vitamin E has a deficiency, which can trigger eye and muscle degeneration and reproductive problems.
6. Vitamin K
Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin and has an important role in preventing blood clots. If your dog accidentally eats rats or ingests rat poison, it can hinder the dog’s ability to process vitamin K in its body. If left unchecked, the dog can bleed and even die.